Thursday, April 25, 2013

Quotes and Thoughts

In Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl, he says, "What else remained for us as a material link with our former lives?" World War II is said to be one of the greatest atrocities to ever come upon humanity. Humans were singled out for their race and stripped, from everything they had by the Nazi party. A survivor from one of the many concentration camps told how you can be whatever you want with clothing; you can dress to be a doctor, a writer, a dancer, a school girl, etc., but when they take that away, anything you had in life is taken with it. besides your skin. But the Nazis took that away too. How we dress and present ourselves says a lot. Somtimes, more than we hope it does. Shows like What Not To Wear, have this as their sole objective to the public. My whole life I've been in charter schools, so I got the concept of looking your best early on; although the uniforms aren't always THAT flattering. I remember hearing praise come from adults or tour guides on field trips because of how well behaved we were. Now, whether or not our uniforms were directly linked to behavior is debatable. However, I do know that the best memories that shape who I am now and who I will be, have been related to what I was wearing, it's a part of my identity. To have that taken away would mean that I would be nothing now.